
A Blind-Test web-application written in React, using Spotify/Twitch APIs

You’re a streamer and you want to use the app ?
The application is deployed and ready to use !
Just contact me on Discord (neumann__)


TL;DR; Log in your Spotify and Twitch accounts, chose your playlist in the list, start the game with your viewers.

BlindTesTwitch is a all-in-one webapp: it controls your Spotify to launch the tracks, it displays the leaderboard and it reads your twitch chat to check the answers and give points to the fastest players.


Playlist selection Playlist edition Track edition


A few environment variables must be set in the .env file :

Both Spotify and Twitch apps are mandatory (set redirect URI to https://<domain>/BlindTesTwitch/callback for both) :

Note : The application can be deployed on Github Pages, thanks to